Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (FSPA)

The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (FSPA) is a community of vowed Franciscan women centered in Eucharist, committed to be loving presence through prayer, witness and service located in La Crosse Wisconsin.

Webteam has worked with various individuals with FSPA to redesign their website, and to add information and features to it. Please view the highlights of their website revamp below.

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Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (FSPA) screenshot

FSPA portfolio


Some of these updates include; simple color changes, navigation (menu) updates for easy-to-find information, and various updates to video series, slideshows throughout the site, images, the blog, and events.

FSPA Portfolio - show me a sign


Site visitors will find that the 'Show Me A Sign' Vocation is one of the foremost features of the website; giving users more information on discerning religious life. Other website features include more information on Becoming a Sister, Donating, News & Events, Prayer Request, and the many ministries of FSPA, including; Justice and Peace, Ecospirituality, and more.

FSPA Portfolio


Webteam created several custom website administrative tools for FSPA site administrators to manage various specialty areas of the site. One such area is 'FSPA History'. We worked with the FSPA communications department to layout the history of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration from it's beginnings in 1849. This admin tool allows for adding new dates, images, and information ('i') for important dates throughout the history of FSPA. 

Other custom tools for this site include: Blog Updater, Event Updater, Gallery Updater, and more. 

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